About me


My name is Andrew Reitemeyer and I am a Pirate.

Andrew Reitemeyer as mad monk
I am a member of the Piratenpartei NDS (Pirate Party of Lower Saxony) and am on the board of my local electoral district chapter Osterholz. I am also a member of the Pirate Party in my erstwhile home of New Zealand where I will soon be returning.

Most of my writing is done for the Pirate Times where I am a contributor  and an editor  as well as being co-admin for its Facebook page.

In other, parallel, incarnations I am a New Zealander, a programmer, a father, a mensan, a gardner and a yurt enthusiast.

This blog will be an outlet for my musings and ideas without any constraints other forums might require. The opinions I express here are my own and not necessarily those of any organisation I belong to.

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